
Plant Milk

Plant milk is a nutritious way to enjoy the creamy consistency and flavor of milk that's made from nuts, grains, or seeds. Here are some of our favorite varieties.


Almond Milk
 30 raw almonds, soaked 12 hours or overnight
 1 medjool date, pitted
 4 cups water
Pumpkin Seed Milk
 ½ cup raw pumpkin seeds, soaked 4 to 6 hours
 1 medjool date, pitted
 4 cups water
Hemp Seed Milk
 ½ cup raw shelled hemp seeds
 1 medjool date, pitted
 4 cups water


Almond Milk

Drain and rinse almonds. Remove skin from almonds (or put through a nut milk bag after blending).


Combine almonds, date, and 2 cups water in high speed blender. Blend on “smoothies” setting. Add remaining 2 cups water and blend for another minute.


Transfer to glass bottle or quart mason jar. Almond milk will keep in the fridge for 3 to 4 days.

Serves 4

Pumpkin Seed Milk

Drain and rinse pumpkin seeds.


Combine all ingredients in high speed blender. Blend on “smoothies” setting.


Transfer to glass bottle or quart mason jar. Pumpkin seed milk will keep in fridge for 3 to 4 days.

Serves 4

Hemp Seed Milk

Combine all ingredients in high speed blender. Blend on “smoothies” setting.


Transfer to glass bottle or quart mason jar. Hemp seed milk will keep in fridge for 3 to 4 days.

Serves 4

For a smooth consistency, strain the milk through a cheesecloth or nut-milk bag.

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Almond Milk
 30 raw almonds, soaked 12 hours or overnight
 1 medjool date, pitted
 4 cups water
Pumpkin Seed Milk
 ½ cup raw pumpkin seeds, soaked 4 to 6 hours
 1 medjool date, pitted
 4 cups water
Hemp Seed Milk
 ½ cup raw shelled hemp seeds
 1 medjool date, pitted
 4 cups water


Almond Milk

Drain and rinse almonds. Remove skin from almonds (or put through a nut milk bag after blending).


Combine almonds, date, and 2 cups water in high speed blender. Blend on “smoothies” setting. Add remaining 2 cups water and blend for another minute.


Transfer to glass bottle or quart mason jar. Almond milk will keep in the fridge for 3 to 4 days.

Serves 4

Pumpkin Seed Milk

Drain and rinse pumpkin seeds.


Combine all ingredients in high speed blender. Blend on “smoothies” setting.


Transfer to glass bottle or quart mason jar. Pumpkin seed milk will keep in fridge for 3 to 4 days.

Serves 4

Hemp Seed Milk

Combine all ingredients in high speed blender. Blend on “smoothies” setting.


Transfer to glass bottle or quart mason jar. Hemp seed milk will keep in fridge for 3 to 4 days.

Serves 4

For a smooth consistency, strain the milk through a cheesecloth or nut-milk bag.

Plant Milk