Health articles

Enjoy articles written by leading doctors, authors, and healthcare professionals on Covid 19 and more.

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj
As we all stand together to face a global pandemic, it is time to reflect within and embrace all humanity as one.  Our world is in need of human unity. We are connected to each other through the silken thread of love, and that is the core of human existence. In our homes, families, societies and cities, there is a need to come together and embrace each other in a spirit of love, tolerance, and oneness.
Dr. Natalie Santiago, M.D.
Dr. Santiago is a plant-based, board certified pediatrician with over 13 years of experience in community health. A vegetarian for 32 years and a vegan for 8, Dr. Santiago is dedicated to helping families transform their health and their lives with a nutritious, delicious, plant-based diet.
Dr. Saraswati Sukumar, PhD
Worldwide, the coronavirus pandemic has affected more than one million people with a death toll of more than one-hundred thousand.  This is, by far, the most frightening, worrisome, and widespread pandemic that we have witnessed in our lifetime. 
Dr. Matthew Raider, MD Geriatric Medicine
It has been a difficult time in the health care of the elderly lately. If you are a caregiver or adult child of a senior—or if you are a senior yourself—here are some tips to dealing with Covid-19.
Linda Scotti, RN, MA
As this new coronavirus continues to spread around the globe and we are hunkered down in our homes, having a strong immune system is more important than ever.
Dr. Kunwarjit Singh Duggal, MD
During these tumultuous times of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is very easy to get caught up in a whirlwind of information that can leave our heads spinning...
Dr. Rimjhim Duggal Stephens, MD
We are living in an unprecedented time, in an era that will be remembered for years and will leave an impact on the way we shape our decisions, not only for ourselves but for our children.
Dr. Mark E. Young, PhD Professor Emeritus
Fear is a natural response to the unknown, yet have you ever noticed that in uncertain situations your mind tends to amplify your fear by imagining the worst-case scenario rather than the most likely?
Catherine Morris, RN, MSN 
Aren't you afraid? and What is it like these days for you at the hospital? I frequently encounter questions like these from my family and friends, while at the same time they are personally coping with the realities they face during this pandemic.
Monica Lidral, BSN, MPH
In this unique and challenging time, many of us are spending a lot of time indoors. Whether we live alone or with others, many of us feel stressed and anxious..
Sue Gallagher, PhD
With the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us find our normal routines and schedules disrupted. I supervise school psychologists, and I’m usually traveling from school to school, but I’ve been working from home since schools closed.

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