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Matcha tea
Food & Health

10 Healthy Ways to Use Matcha

There are all sorts of ways to boost your health and well-being. Many of them are not reliable, reputable, or scientifically sound. (Remember the grapefruit

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Celebrating Cranberries

As landscapes go, cranberry bogs are unique. You don’t find their photographs in Sierra Club calendars, nor are they destinations on your average road-trip. Unless,

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Pomegranate banner article

Pomegranates For The Holidays!

Rich in Vitamin C, potassium, fiber, and brimming with antioxidants, pomegranates are a powerful line of defense to combat arthritis, inflammation, cancer, and even Alzheimer’s

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Food & Health

Spiritual Reasons for the Vegetarian Diet

Why did people throughout ages become vegetarians? Along with improving our physical well-being, vegetarianism also has benefits for our mind and soul. Due to advances in medical science, the effect of diet on our body has only recently been scientifically proven.

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